Jaunay Distribution in Australasia

ausThe only concentration of Jaunays outside France is to be found in Australia and New Zealand.

As with the survey of the subscribers listed in the French Telephone Directory a parallel survey was undertaken for Australasia.

Frank Cunningham Jaunay and his brother Jules Gilmour Jaunay emigrated to Australia in the second half of the nineteenth century and their descendants now live in South Australia, Western Australia, Quensland and New Zealand.
As is expected the actual number of Jaunays is greater than the number of telephone subscribers. Determining this factor is quite difficult. Currently living in Australasia there are forty-two Jaunays in the author's family whereas there are only twenty Jaunays listed as telephone subscribers. This factor [2.1] if applied throughout the world, that is to the 181 French Jaunays, we have a total current [estimated] world population of 468 Jaunays. A rare family name!

As new telephone lists are posted to the Internet, they are searched. To date no Jaunays have been located in Central and North America. Indeed outside of France, Australasia and England, there have only been two recordings of a Jaunay since 1700. One was a female bearing a child in Cuba in 1803 and the other was a missionary Jesuit Priest in North America in the eighteenth century.

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